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1. Structure of Articles: Tentative structure of your research paper may have

1. Title
2. Authors Affiliations
3. Abstract
4. Keywords
5. JEL Classification
6. Paper Types
7. Introduction
8. Statement of problem
9. Objectives of the study
10. Research Questions
11. Chapterization
12. Theoretical Background
13. Research Design
14. Results and Discussions
15. Managerial Implication
16. Conclusion
17. Limitation and Extensions
18. Acknowledgements
19. Founding Sources
20. Conflict of Interest
21. Abbreviations
22. Glossary
23. Reference
24. Additional Reference
25. Endnote

2. Paper Title: Title should be minimum 4 words and maximum of 20 words. Abbreviations should be avoid

3. Affiliation: First Page should consist of Title of the manuscript, Full Name(s) of author(s), author(s) present position, other affiliations, complete mailing address(s), e-mail, and abstract. Second Page should start with the title of the manuscript again, followed by the text. ORCID ID Example:

Ranganathan Venkatesan
(Corresponding Author)
Department of Business Administration
Shanmuga Industries Arts and Science College
Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, India
Lakshmi Devi
Department of Business Administration
Arts and Science College
Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, India

4. Maximum Number of Author(s): For every paper, a maximum of seven authors would be permitted.

5. Abstract: An abstract of no more than 250 words and minimum 150 words.

6. Keywords: Include 3 to 5 keywords.

7. Ethics declarations: If your research includes human or animal subjects, you will need to include the appropriate ethics declarations in the Research Methodology section of your manuscript.

8. Tables & Charts

1. All tables, charts and graphs should be numbered and suitably self-explained titled.
2. Table / Chart title abbreviation should be avoid
3. Tables/Charts must be appropriately referred to in the body of text/analysis of the paper/ reviews/ cases

9. Numbers and Percentages

1. Units of measurement should be precisely stated.
2. Instead of the symbol %, per cent should be used in the text.
3. Avoid beginning with a number
4. Use words to express two-thirds majority, fifty-eight percent etc.

10. Competing Interest

The author(s) declare no competing interests.

11. Reference

1. Reference should be in Alphabetical order
2. Reference should be serial number in sequence
3. Only have one publication linked to each number.
4. Reference should be follow standard style
5. Include published conference abstracts, proceedings, edited book, text book, reference book, lecture notes, web pages and numbered patents, if you wish.
6. Recommended Reference Management Tools:
7. Recommended Reference formats are below:

1. Journal article

Author(s) of journal article – First name and initial(s), use, & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title of journal article. Journal name – italicized & Bold, Volume – (Issue or number), Page number(s). doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx

1. Venkatesan, R. (2018). Measuring Customer Loyalty with Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Life Insurance. The Journal of Insurance Insititute of India, 5(3), 44-49.

2. Venkatesan, R, & Jayanth, J. (2019) ‘Does loyalty and satisfaction support customer retention in Life Insurance sector? - An empirical study’, Int. J. Business Excellence,Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 435 - 449.

2. Conference Proceedings

Author(s) of paper – last name and initials, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title of paper. In Editor(s) - initial(s). last name (Ed(s).) Title of published proceeding – italicised. (pp. page numbers). Place of Publication: Publisher.

1. Venkatesan, R. (2016). Women industrialist challenges and opportunity in Indian Context. Muthuswamy.P.R., & Saravanan.S.(Ed(s).) Economic Empowerment of Women through Entrepreneurship- Problems & Prospects. Coimbatore, India: Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College.

2. Naskar, M., & Das, S. K. (2017). An empirical study on the closed manufacturing units in Sadatpur area of Howrah district, Venkatesan, R. (Eds.), Emerging Trends in Business and Management: Issues and Challenges, (pp. 24 – 34), Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu: Shanmuga Industries Arts and Science College.

3. Lectures notes and Slides – Online

Name of author(s) or the institution responsible, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title and subtitle of publication – italicised , [Type of format]. Retrieved from Course code/number, Name of Institution http://www.xxxxxx


1. Venkatesan, R (2020). Principles of Management, Unit – II, Planning, [Power point slides]. Retrieved from

2. Venkatesan, R (2021). Principles of Banking System, Unit 2, Mixed & Retail banking, [Power point slides]. Retrieved from

4. Dissertation

Author - Last Name, Initial(S). (Year). Title of Thesis - Italicized (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation or Master's Thesis). Name of Institution, Location.


1. Venkatesan, R. (1999). A Study on Level of Performance Appraisal of Staff Cadre Employees with Special Reference to Hindustan Lever Limited (Ice Cream Division), Chennai, [Unpublished Master Dissertation]. Bharathiar University, India.

2. Venkatesan R. (2019). Relationship among Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and Customer Retention in the context of Life Insurance Policies, [Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation] Anna University, India.

5. Edited Book Chapter

Author(s) of paper – last name and initials, use comma & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title of paper. In Editor(s) - initial(s). last name (Ed(s).) Title of published edited book chapter – italicised. (pp. page numbers). Place of Publication: Publisher


1. Supriya, S., Srujana, K., & Preethi R. (2020). Indian Education System Post Pandemic, Venkatesan. R.(Ed.). Emerging Trends in Business and Management: Issues and Challenges (Volume 2) (pp.133 – 138), Tiruvannamalai, India: Dr. R. Venkatesan

12. Page Setup

1. Please use Times New Roman 12-point type and the 8 1⁄2 × 11 page (A4) setting.
2. Files should be Word documents, with body text single-spaced. Section headings and subheadings should be set to 1.5 spacing.
3. Top and side margins should be set at 1 inch (using Word’s Normal margin setting).
4. Neither page numbers nor running heads are necessary and should not be included in your document

13. Plagiarism

1. Author(s) may submit their original manuscripts, before submission, ensuring that it is free from PLAGIARISM.
2. The authors should verify it, by checking the manuscripts by using the paid or free online version the Plagiarism Software.
3. The journal office bearers would also examine the same by using the Plagiarism Software for checking plagiarism level is accepted or not.
4. However, the author(s) can be held responsible for the genuineness and originality of the manuscripts, at a future date, even after publication. If any discrepancy found in future or after publication, concerned paper will removed from publication and also online journal website.

14. Acceptance: If the paper is accepted for publication, the authors will be informed by email about the acceptance. Soft-copy of manuscript only accepted.

15. Other General Guidelines

• All pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page. A page number should be included in the upper-right corner of each page.
• Abbreviated terms are spelled out at first use and followed with the abbreviation in parentheses. Avoid overuse of contrived abbreviations.